“For a Better Stewardship of Our Planet”
The Busan IAMAS-IACS-IAPSO Joint Assembly 2025 will be an important opportunity to not only draw deep scrutiny to activities which are harmful to our earth, but also to pose solutions for the healthy coexistence of earth and humankind in Asia and across the globe.
The six-day event will bring together atmosphere, cryosphere and ocean scientists from around the globe to participate in scientific presentations and discussions, exchanges of information, and international earth science cooperation. Proposals for individual symposia are invited on topics within the remits of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences, the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans, and for joint symposia concerning interactions between two or three of the atmosphere, cryosphere and ocean.
Symposium proposals (maximum 300 words) should include:
- Session title
- Session topic
- Proposal type: IACS symposium, or joint symposium with IAMAS and/or IAPSO
- Number of conveners
- Convener information: Name, affiliation, email address, country
- Expected number of presentations (can be adjusted later depending on room availability and number of abstracts received)
Proposals will be considered on their scientific merits, significance of their themes and overall programme balance. Symposia may be aggregated before being included in the final programme. We strongly encourage diversity and the involvement of young scientists as conveners.
Please submit symposium proposals by return email to Richard Essery, IACS Secretary General.
Deadline for symposium proposals: 1 March 2024.
Cover image by Pang Yuhao