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Upcoming Events

AlpWeek Intermezzo 2020

09/12/2020 11/12/2020

Conferences 2020

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AlpWeek is an international event dedicated to new and promising sustainable development perspectives in the Alps. It is co-run by the main Alpine organisations involved in sustainable development and mountain protection and is held every four years. A shorter, intermediate version of the event may be held in the form of the AlpWeek Intermezzo, as in Nice in December 2020

The event brings together the main Alpine stakeholders, who will be given the opportunity to discuss and develop new ideas and ways of working together. The town of Nice, situated at the end of the entire Alpine Arc, overlooking the Mediterranean sea, offers an exceptional Alpine ambience. Let it inspire you!

The AlpWeek Intermezzo 2020 will present initiatives run for, or by, young people themselves to raise awareness and to show what can be done to preserve the living environment as well as native flora and fauna. It aims to demonstrate that there are highly motivated young people in the Alpine Arc who are working on solutions for their future and are eager to learn more about how they can make their communities climate-friendly.

AlpWeek Intermezzo will also highlight how educating young generations can contribute to a more sustainable cohabitation between nature and human activities, but also conversely, how young people challenge our society. Across the generations, we must learn and take action together in order to use and manage scarce resources, such as water and the fragile natural environment, in a more careful way.

See the program here.

 Photo by Pixabay

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