GEO Week 2019 | GEO Activities Supporting Vulnerable Ecosystems
05.11.2019 | 08:30 –
05.11.2019 | 10:00
05.11.2019 | 08:30 – 10:00

A side event taking place during GEO Week 2019. 

A side event taking place during GEO Week 2019. This workshop aims to present the contributions from recent activities of the organizing GEO initiatives to the methods and conceptual approaches for assessing ecosystem changes and vulnerability in the face of climate change. 

Ecosystems face multiple stresses from human activities and climate change, Evidence-informed conservation, management, and restoration policies are urgently needed in order to address these stressors and sustain ecosystem benefits. Effective monitoring, understanding, and modelling of the state and trends in ecosystem conditions, functions and services under future stresses, are essential. Combined use of Earth observations from satellite and in-situ station networks, and Earth System modelling to address the spatial-temporal scales of ecosystem processes, gather information and monitor long-term trends, and produce knowledge about terrestrial and marine ecosystem status, enables improved decision-making processes with relevant input information.

This workshop aims to present the contributions from recent activities of the organizing GEO initiatives to the methods and conceptual approaches for assessing ecosystem changes and vulnerability in the face of climate change. Showcasing outcomes spanning from time series analysis to various approaches of climate and ecosystem modelling and its combination, aimed at monitoring the evolution of ecosystems and their functions under climate change, will be presented. Ample time will be devoted to a discussion that aims at producing synthesis of the several GEO initiatives and Flagships collecting inputs relevant to GEO Societal Benefit Areas (SBA) and the wider community.


GEO ECO, GEO GNOME, ECOPOTENTIAL H2020 project and EuroGEO “Action Group on Ecosystem and Biodiversity”


Antonello Provenzale and Elisa Palazzi, CNR; Ghada El Serafy, Deltares; and Carolina Adler, Mountain Research Initiative (;