Strengthening Inclusive Partnerships across the GEO Work Programme

The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is now inviting proposals for the GEO 2021 Virtual Symposium, which will be held from 21 to 24 June 2021. As a Participating Organisation of GEO, the MRI encourages the mountain research community to consider making suitable contributions on ‘mountains’ as part of a themed session hosted by GEO Mountains.
The theme of this year’s Symposium is Strengthening inclusive partnerships across the GEO Work Programme (GWP). The aim of the Symposium is to share successful practices and identify ways to accelerate the delivery of products and solutions to address environmental and societal challenges. Topics range from EO solutions for global policy agendas, to advances in EO data and technologies, to the development of the GWP community.
The Symposium will take the form of Plenary Sessions, Parallel Sessions and Spotlight Sessions. To encourage engagement across the entire GEO community and to allow speakers and audiences from all regions to participate, each day will begin at a different time. View the programme here.
GEO Mountains will host a mountains-themed session GEO 2021 Virtual Symposium on 22 June from 09:00-10:00 CEST. Find more information about the GEO Mountains session here.
Cover image by Frank Ravizza.