GEO Mountains – officially, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Global Network for Observations and Information in Mountain Environments – is a GEO Work Programme Initiative that seeks to identify, collate, and make accessible transboundary and inter- and transdisciplinary data and information pertaining to environmental, ecological, and societal systems and their changes in mountainous regions globally.
In so doing, it hopes to increase the ease with which the scientific research community, local, national, and regional decision makers, and other interested parties can access and use such data and information.
GEO Mountains is co-led by the MRI and the National Research Council of Italy. Part of the programme specifically seeks to build on the legacy of previous community in situ observation coordination efforts, such as those of the Global Network of Mountain Observatories (GNOMO), which was incorporated into GEO Mountains in 2021. The MRI’s Mountain Observatories and Elevation Dependent Climate Change Working Groups also make substantial contributions to the Initiative.
Click here to visit the dedicated GEO Mountains Website
Leadership and Coordination
Dr. Carolina Adler (MRI, Switzerland)
Dr. Elisa Palazzi (CNR, Italy)
Coordination (Scientific Project Officer):
Dr. James Thornton (MRI, Switzerland)
GEO Mountains is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).