
The Swiss mountain village of Guttannen is under threat. Climate change is melting the glaciers, thawing the permafrost, and destabilizing the mountainsides. This has resulted in multiple severe debris flow and flooding events in recent years. Combined with outmigration, an isolated location, and limited employment opportunities, Guttannen faces an uncertain future. A future the village has come together to fight for.

As part of its mission, the MRI provides funding contributions for synthesis workshops that bring together global change researchers to address specific topics of interest to the mountain research, policy and practitioner communities. In 2022, the call is thematically dedicated as a contribution from the MRI to the observance of the UN-proclaimed International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development (IYM2022).

Please note that the 30 September 2022 deadline for proposals for this year’s call has passed and is now closed.

A special issue of the Journal of Mountain ScienceDisaster Risk Reduction in Mountain Areas’ Volume 19 Issue 6, June 2022, co-guest edited by MRI SLC member Irasema Alcantara-Ayala.

The latest issue of eco.mont aims to raise awareness of the importance of mountain protected areas, and with the publication of long-term studies, support and outline the interaction of scientists and PA managers.

On 8 June 2022 the Conéctate A+ network held a webinar to present its second phase. The network presented four specific priorities, new activities, opportunities for involvement, new calls, and communication platforms. The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) was also introduced as a new associate member.

Four key priorities were presented as part of Conéctate A+’s second phase:

Summer is here, and with that, our MRI leaders are actively presenting and participating in a series of mountain events, workshops, and congresses online and around the globe. Their participation is a testament to the broad and active engagement of the MRI. Below is a roundup of the latest updates from some of our Co-Principal Investigators (Co-PI) and Science Leadership Council (SLC) members.

Fifty years after the landmark 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment—the first ever UN conference on the environment — Stockholm was once again the gathering point to take stock of the state of the human environment and collectively brainstorm on how to move forward. Below is a brief analysis of Stockholm+50: A Healthy Planet for the Prosperity of All – Our Responsibility, Our Opportunity, held 2-3 June 2022.

The GEO Mountains General Meeting (May 2022) provided an opportunity to bring members of the Initiative together, share recent progress, and discuss plans for the 2023-2025 GEO Work Programme period.

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