Call for Sessions | SciDataCon 2021
Global News
article written by MRI
25.01.21 | 02:01

The ISC’s World Data System and Committee on Data are pleased to announce that the Call for Session Proposals is now open for SciDataCon 2021, which is an integral part of International Data Week 2021 (8–11 November 2021; Seoul). The overarching theme of IDW 2021 and SciDataCon is Data to Improve our World. Session proposal submission is now open and closes 31 March 2021.


Proposals are invited for sessions at International Data Week’s SciDataCon 2021: Data to Improve our World. The deadline for proposals is 23:59 UTC on 31 March 2021.

About International Data Week and SciDataCon

International Data Week 2021 comprises two founding events: the 18th RDA Plenary and SciDataCon 2021. SciDataCon is a conference for peer-reviewed research and practice presentations, which covers all aspects of the role of data in research, society and policy. As well as the core themes of data science and data stewardship, Open Science, and FAIR data and services, SciDataCon shares high-level themes with International Data Week.

SciDataCon 2021: High-level Themes

The high-level themes of IDW 2021 and SciDataCon include:

  • Data to Improve our World: The role of data to address global challenges
  • The State of Open Science Globally
  • Research Transparency, Accountability, and Reproducibility
  • Data, Research and Industry: The Interface between Data-intensive Research and Innovation
  • Science and Society: Engagement and participation
  • Empowering and Enabling Society: Data Science and Stewardship Education and Data Literacy

Session proposals addressing these themes are particularly welcome.

SciDataCon Sessions

Sessions at SciDataCon explore research and practice. Sessions may include presentations of original research, of interesting data practices, or a mix of the two. Sessions may be structured around conventional presentations and discussion, or they may take more interactive formats, including panels and interactive workshops. All session proposals will be peer-reviewed. They should be compelling and of interest to the global data community. The format, structure, and outcomes should be clearly expressed.

Sessions may be structured around a set of invited speakers and presenters, or they may be open sessions on a given theme that then requests presentation submissions. Whether a session is by invitation or open to submissions should be clearly stated.

Key Dates

15 December 2020: Release call for sessions
31 March 2021: Deadline for session proposals
1 May 2021: Release call for presentations
30 June 2021: Deadline for presentations
31 July 2021: Publish programme

Submit session proposal

Cover image by KIMDAEJUNG.