The Mountain Research and Development Volume 39, Number 3 issue is an open publication whose articles are fully accessible online.
In this open issue, a MountainDevelopment paper presents effective ways of supporting girls’ education in rural Nepal. Papers in the MountainResearch section provide a characterization of forest fires on the slopes of Mount Kenya to help improve fire management; show how commercial medicinal plant collection is transforming high-altitude livelihoods in Nepal and offers a way out of poverty; explore the critical role of forest use practices in landscape hydrology in Nepal’s Mid-hills; and examine regional variations in vegetation patterns on landslides in the snowy mountains of central Japan. Two MountainAgenda papers propose a multiscale transdisciplinary framework for advancing the sustainability agenda of mountain agricultural systems in the Hindu Kush–Himalayas and globally, as well as a strategy for integrated monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services in high mountain ecosystems such as Colombia’s tropical Andes.
Note that Vol 39, No 4 is starting to fill up as well.
Read about the journal’s section policies, guidelines and submission procedure here.
The MRD Editorial Team
MRD Editorial Office, University of Bern, Centre for Development and Environment
The issue is available online and open access.