The Second Caucasus Mountain Forum brought together around 200 scientists, governmental experts, and practitioners to explore opportunities and challenges, and contribute towards the improved coordination of sustainable development in the Caucasus region.
Building on the First Caucasus Mountain Forum (CMF), which took place in 2016, the Second CMF 2019 was held in Ankara, Turkey, from 30 October to 1 November. The event brought together participants from the six countries of the Caucasus Ecoregion, as well as representatives from Austria, Estonia, Italy, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Norway, the United Kingdom, and Ukraine. It was hosted by the Department of Geography at Ankara University, and co-chaired by MRI Chair Jörg Balsiger and Mehmet Somuncu, Director of the Centre for Environmental Studies and Head of the Department of Geography at Ankara University. MRI SLC member Andreas Muhar was also in attendance, presenting during the thematic session on ‘Education for Sustainable Development.’
One of the main goals of the CMF 2019 was to formally approve the Caucasus Regional Research Agenda (C-RRA). The purpose of the C-RRA is to establish a collaborative process for identifying the current state of knowledge in core issue areas related to sustainable mountain development, key challenges and opportunities, and priority gaps for scientific research and development in the Caucasus region. In order to support this approval process and to initiate a dialog with stakeholders, the CMF 2019 was devoted to a discussion of the thematic chapters of the C-RRA. These chapters are as follows: B1. Climate Change, B2. Biodiversity, B3. Forest Resources, B4. Water Resources, B5. Land Use, B6. Natural Hazards, B7. Population and Cultural Diversity, B8. Tourism and Recreation, B9. Socio-economic Development and Planning, and B10. Mountain Cryosphere.
The CMF 2019 formally approved the C-RRA at the closing session on 1 November, and discussed its future application both for strengthening science-policy interface and research for development.
The next Caucasus Mountain Forum will take place in Georgia in 2021.
The final version of the Caucasus Regional Research Agenda is available here.
Full details of the CMF 2019 programme, including a list of speakers, can be found on the event website.
The forum was organized within the framework of the ‘Strengthening Climate Adaptation Capacities in South Caucasus (SCAC)’ project, with finding from Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and the United Nations Environment Programme.