New Publications April 2021
article written by MRI
01.05.21 | 02:05

Welcome to our April 2021 round-up of new publications! This list, updated each week, contains articles relevant to mountain research that you won’t want to miss this month.

Is there an article that the mountain research community should know about? Email us your suggestions!

Please note: The publications listed below may not necessarily have been published this month, but rather have come to our attention at this time. 

24-30 April 2021

Accelerated global glacier mass loss in the early twenty-first century

Andean mountain building since the Late Cretaceous: A paleoelevation reconstruction

Anomalous glacier thinning due to climate feedback mechanism in the Himalaya and evidences in other mountain ranges

Brief communication: New evidence further constraining Tibetan ice core chronologies to the Holocene

Changes in Ground Temperature and Dynamics in Mountain Permafrost in the Swiss Alps

Classification of mountain non-forest soils with umbric horizon – a case study from the Tatra Mountains (Poland)

Deciphering the evolution of the Bleis Marscha rock glacier (Val d’Err, eastern Switzerland) with cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating, aerial image correlation, and finite element modeling

Event and seasonal hydrologic connectivity patterns in an agricultural headwater catchment

Extracting the spatio-temporal evolution and geographical features of shrinking Gongga Mountain glacier group during 1989 to 2017

Glacier Image Velocimetry: an open-source toolbox for easy and rapid calculation of high-resolution glacier velocity fields

Impacts of invasive alien plants on ecosystem services of Ramsar lake cluster in middle mountain Nepal

Multi‐year observations of the high mountain water cycle in the Langtang catchment, Central Himalaya

Paraglacial Rock Slope Stability Under Changing Environmental Conditions, Safuna Lakes, Cordillera Blanca Peru

Potential expansion of Hass avocado cultivation under climate change scenarios threatens Mexican mountain ecosystems

Provenance tracing of dust using rare earth elements in recent snow deposited during the pre-monsoon season from mountain glaciers in the central to northern Tibetan Plateau

Recent changes in temperature and precipitation indices in the Southern Carpathians, Romania (1961–2018)

Snow Processes and Climate Sensitivity in an Arid Mountain Region, Northern Chile

Stakeholders’ perceptions of mammal occurrence and abundance on agricultural properties bordering the Boland Mountain Complex, South Africa

The Concept, Practice, Application, and Results of Locally Based Monitoring of the Environment

Using dialogue to contextualize culture, ecosystem services, and cultural ecosystem services

17-23 April 2021

A new automatic approach for extracting glacier centerlines based on Euclidean allocation

Adaptation interventions and their effect on vulnerability in developing countries: Help, hindrance or irrelevance?

Advancing a toolkit of diverse futures approaches for global environmental assessments

Climate and multiple dimensions of plant diversity regulate ecosystem carbon exchange along an elevational gradient

Conversion of forest to rangelands suppress soil fauna and flora densities during long-term in mountain ecosystems

Dynamic process simulation of a glacier on Qilian Mountain based on a thermo-mechanically coupled model

Evolution of the firn pack of Kaskawulsh Glacier, Yukon: meltwater effects, densification, and the development of a perennial firn aquifer

Fine-scale multiannual survey of benthic invertebrates in a glacier-fed stream used for hydropower generation

Mature Andean forests as globally important carbon sinks and future carbon refuges

Mountain building, mantle convection, and supercontinents: Holmes (1931) revisited

Multiple mountain‐hopping colonization of sky‐islands on the two sides of Tropical Africa during the Pleistocene: The afroalpine Festuca grasses

Novel responses of diatoms in neotropical mountain lakes to indigenous and post-European occupation

On the attribution of industrial-era glacier mass loss to anthropogenic climate change

People have shaped most of terrestrial nature for at least 12,000 years

Reconstructing High-Resolution Gridded Precipitation Data Using an Improved Downscaling Approach over the High Altitude Mountain Regions of Upper Indus Basin (UIB)

Seeing the Ice. An Overview of Alpine Glacier Tourism Sites, Between Post- and Hyper-Modernity

Spatial and Temporal Shifts in Historic and Future Temperature and Precipitation Patterns Related to Snow Accumulation and Melt Regimes in Alberta, Canada

10-16 April 2021

Changing Relationship Between Tibetan Plateau Temperature and South China Sea Summer Monsoon Precipitation

Climate variability and adaptation among small holder banana farmers in mountain regions of Kenya

Effects of past landscape changes on aesthetic landscape values in the European Alps

Effects of supplemental feeding on the fecal bacterial communities of Rocky Mountain elk in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Drones to the rescue? Exploring rescue workers’ behavioral intention to adopt drones in mountain rescue missions

Endemism increases species’ climate change risk in areas of global biodiversity importance

Harnessing the potential of vulnerability assessments for managing social-ecological systems

Preparing for floods on the Third Pole

Reflecting on the Anthropocene: The Call for Deeper Transformations

Revitalization plans for mountain ecological villages in South Korea

Risk perception of climate change and natural hazards in global mountain regions: A critical review

Seismological rockslide warnings in the Himalaya

Shifts in zooplankton communities in high-mountain lakes induced by singular events (fish stocking, earthquakes): evidence from a 20-year survey in Slovenia (Central Europe)

Spatially and temporally resolved ice loss in High Mountain Asia and the Gulf of Alaska observed by CryoSat-2 swath altimetry between 2010 and 2019

Successional Herbaceous Species Affect Soil Processes in a High-Elevation Alpine Proglacial Chronosequence

Trait-based responses of bryophytes to the decaying logs in Central European mountain forests

1-9 April 2021

Disentangling the effects of latitudinal and elevational gradients on bee, wasp, and ant diversity in an ancient neotropical mountain range

Fluvial magnetic susceptibility as a proxy for long‐term variations of mountain permafrost development in the Alp‐Carpathian region

Fungal decomposition of river organic matter accelerated by decreasing glacier cover

Global patterns and drivers of alpine plant species richness

Heinrich Stadial aridity forced Mediterranean-wide glacier retreat in the last cold stage

Human domination of the global water cycle absent from depictions and perceptions

Impacts of Social Innovation on Spatiality in Mountain–Lowland Relationships — Trajectories of Two SwissRegional Initiatives in the Context of New Policy Regimes

Pan-European meteorological and snow indicators of climate change impact on ski tourism

Permafrost evolution in a mountain catchment near Santiago de Chile

Predictive mapping of plant diversity in an arid mountain environment (Gebel Elba, Egypt)

Recent evolution of the Vignemale glaciers (2013-2017) 

Reflections and projections on a decade of climate science

Remote Detection of Surge-Related Glacier Terminus Changeacross High Mountain Asia

Restoration management of cattle resting place in mountain grassland

Signature of modern glacial lake outburst floods in fjord sediments (Baker River, southern Chile)

Setting the mountain ablaze? The Royal Highland Festival in Bhutan from the semi-nomads’ perspective

Space–time variability in soil moisture droughts in the Himalayan region

Snow conditions in northern Europe: the dynamics of interannual variability versus projected long-term change

The importance of warm habitat to the growth regime of cold-water fishes

Transition from subsistence grazing to nature-based recreation: A nuanced view of land abandonment in a mountain social-ecological system, southwestern Cape, South Africa

Upward shift and elevational range contractions of subtropical mountain plants in response to climate change

Wattle fencing improved soil aggregate stability, organic carbon stocks and biochemical quality by restoring highly eroded mountain region soil

Winter melt trends portend widespread declines in snow water resources

Cover image by Martin Hogarth.