Senior Scientific Project Officer (GEO Mountains)
Mountain Research Initiative



James joined the Mountain Research Initiative in 2020 upon completion of his PhD in hydrogeology at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. His doctoral research focussed on the interdisciplinary, physics-based numerical modelling of hydrological processes in complex Alpine terrain, and involved a wide range of datasets and computational tools. He was awarded the Adrien Guébhard-Séverine prize for his thesis. 

Prior to that, James worked in the reinsurance sector, where he was responsible for leading the development of stochastic natural catastrophe models in order to quantify the risks associated with extreme events such as floods and tropical cyclones to portfolios of physical assets.

James is currently responsible for the coordination and implementation of GEO Mountains; a Initiative of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) seeking to increase the discoverability, accessibility, and use of a wide range of data pertaining to mountainous regions to benefit human societies and ecosystems globally. He contributed to the IPCC AR6 Cross-Chapter Paper Mountains (2022), is a Topical Editor at the journal Earth System Science Data, and is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. 

Research Focus

Keywords: Alpine hydrology; climate change; numerical modelling; 3D geological modelling; snow hydrology; inverse methods


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