Online Conference on Climate Change, Health and Mountain Ecosystems and Their Governance in Support of Sustainable Development in the Tropical Andes - Central America Region (Andes+)
07.07.2020 | 00:00 –
08.07.2020 | 23:59
07.07.2020 – 

This conference aims to facilitate the exchange of disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and practices relevant for overcoming the barriers that impede the successful implementation of sustainable development and climate adaptation policies in the Andes+ region. Through this event, the Conéctate A+ network seeks to promote prospects for collaborations, advance current debates at the nexus between climate change, health and mountain ecosystems and their governance, and showcase expertise and experiences in different (inter)disciplinary communities of practice in the Andes+ region.

The thematic focus of the conference is on climate change, mountain ecosystems, health, and their interactions under a perspective of sustainable development. Presentations sought need to explore their interplay, and their theoretical as well as methodological implications in different disciplinary approaches, interventions, and contexts. Based on the abstracts received, keynote talks, interdisciplinary thematic sessions and plenary discussions are foreseen.

In consideration of the different time zones of participants involved the anticipated schedule is: 13:00 UTC to 18:00 UTC (e.g. 8:00 to 13:00 Lima, Quito and Bogotá time, 7:00 to 12:00 San Salvador time, or 15:00 to 20:00 Zurich time), 7 and 8 July 2020. Details about the conference program can be found here.

The call for abstracts was open until 7 June 2020. See the call here.


Participation at the conference is free of charge, however prior registration is required. Click the button below to register.

Register Here

Key dates

Abstracts due: 7 June 2020
Notification of acceptance: by 22 June 2020
Conference programme launch: 23 June 2020
Conference: 7-8 July 2020

For more information, contact Gustavo Valdivia at

The conference is hosted by the Conéctate A+ Cluster of Cooperation, and facilitated by MRI, CONDESAN and the University of Zurich.

Conéctate A+ is supported by the swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC) ‘Clusters of Cooperation in the Global South’ (CLOCs) programme, which offers targeted support for collaboration between the various types of Swiss higher education institutions and their partners from the Global South in order to achieve an excellent standard of education, research and innovation on global challenges.