The Past Global Changes (PAGES) Open Science Meeting (OSM) is a PAGES flagship event held approximately every four years and is a much-anticipated fixture on the paleoscience calendar.
The 7th PAGES OSM will take place in Shanghai, China from 21–24 May 2025.
Directly before the OSM, PAGES will conduct the 5th PAGES Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) from 19-20 May 2025.
The 7th OSM and 5th YSM meetings will focus on “the Earth System Changes from the Past towards the Future”. This conference aims to promote interdisciplinary scientific exchange and international collaboration, and to strengthen the connections between PAGES communities.
By integrating various spheres of the Earth’s system, this conference will illustrate the changes in the key components of the Earth’s surface system (air, water, ice, land, life, society, etc.) across timescales, with the ultimate goal of improving predictions for future climate and environment.
Important Dates
1 December 2023: Call for session proposals
15 May 2024: Deadline for session proposals
1 August 2024: Registration and abstract submission opens
1 December 2024: Deadline for abstract submissions
1 March 2025: Conference program, deadline for early registration
2 March – 20 April 2025: Late registration
20-24 May 2025: On-site registration
21-24 May 2025: OSM takes place
19-20 May 2025: Young Scientists Meeting (YSM)
Further details will be communicated as this becomes available.
For questions or further information, please send an email to the PAGES IPO: pages@pages.unibe.ch
Cover image by Pen Tsai