The Swiss Network for Law & Society (SNLS) aims to create a space for networking, discussion and cross-disciplinary collaboration between scholars researching law from an empirical perspective. The second conference of the SNLS will take place from the 10th to 12th February 2025 and will provide an opportunity to explore the trajectories of legal developments and responses vis-a-vis the challenges posed by the era that is referred to as the Anthropocene. Such challenges include climate change and global heating, the loss of biodiversity, climate migration and refugees, public health, human rights, and, more broadly, the ’sustainability’ of capitalism. Many of the responses to these challenges are of a socio-legal kind, including legal propertization and privatization, gendered or racialised divisions of labor, new migration regimes, new financial instruments, the constitution of new subjects of rights and the exclusion of others from being rights holders. This is what this conference seeks to examine.
Call for Abstracts
Paper/abstract submissions are invited for the second conference of the Swiss Network for Law and Society (SNLS) “Law and/in the Anthropocene”, in Bern from 10 – 12 February 2025. Abstracts of up to 250 words should be sent directly to the panel convenors at the email address provided below each panel by 30 September 2024.
View the PDF file of the call for abstracts here.
The conference will host 16 panels across 4 themes:
- Dilemmas of juridification and democratic politics in the Anthropocene
- Rules-based governance in the Anthropocene
- Critical Perspectives on (New) Rights-Bearing Subjects in the Anthropocene
- The Normative and the Empirical in Socio-Legal Research
- Panel 1: Rethinking Responsibility: Criminal Law’s Response to the Anthropocene
- Panel 2: judicialization of Climate Politics in the Anthropocene
- Panel 3: A Restorative City in Switzerland: Bridging Democratic Dialogue and Social Cohesion in the Anthropocene
- Panel 4: L’accès à l’information environnementale: un pilier pour l’action citoyenne?
- Panel 5: Carbon pricing across borders
- Panel 6: Private finance and sustainability transitions: What role for law and legal innovations?
- Panel 7: From statuses and precedents to contracts and agreements: environmental conflicts in alternative dispute resolution mechanisms
- Panel 8: The Law and Politics of Environmental and Climate Lobbying
- Panel 9: What climate futures are envisioned by legal and regulatory efforts?
- Panel 10: The right of nature as a posthuman care turn in law: feminist perspectives
- Panel 11: Territories of Life: Collectivity and Land as (New) Rights-Bearing Subject in the Anthropocene. The Contemporary Challenge of Another Way of Owning
- Panel 12: Naviguer les défis de la recherche socio-juridique sur des terrains difficiles: Questionnements méthodologiques, analytiques et épistémologiques
- Panel 13: Institutional Archives and Counter-Archives of the Transnational: Perspectives from the anthropology of law and socio-legal studies
- Panel 14: An interdisciplinary approach to social and legal pluralities
- Panel 15: Conducting law and society research in Switzerland: epistemologies, methods, approaches and contributions
- Panel 16: Gaps, Overlaps and Paradoxes between Laws and Realities of Child-Parents Relations
For questions, please contact conference2025@lawandsociety.ch.
Cover image by Aman Garg