Observing Mountain Environments | Register with GEO-GNOME and Nominate for a GEO Working Group
MRI News
article written by MRI
31.03.20 | 10:03

Established in 2016, the Global Network on Observations and Information in Mountain Environments (GEO-GNOME) is a GEO Work Programme Initiative, jointly co-led by the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) and the Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the National Research Council of Italy (ISAC-CNR). In line with GEO’s objectives, GEO-GNOME aims at connecting and facilitating access to diverse sources of mountain observation data and information regarding drivers, conditions, and trends in biophysical and socio-economic processes of change at different scales.


GEO-GNOME – New (or renew!) Registrations  

As a GEO Initiative, GEO-GNOME works to support GEO in its three global priority engagement areas: the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. It identifies and makes accessible relevant data and information to inform monitoring and reporting in these priority engagement areas, as well as connect key stakeholders from scientific research, policy, practice, and society working in these priority areas in mountain contexts worldwide.

As outlined in the GEO-GNOME Implementation Plan 2020-2022, GEO-GNOME seeks to update its internal registry of members and contributors for coordination purposes and for communicating and planning future activities. Please take a moment to enlist (or renew) your participation in GEO-GNOME, via this form.

If unsure whether you are already listed in our registry, or for any questions, please contact us at mri@mountainresearchinitiative.org

Call for Experts – GEO Working Groups   

Furthermore, four new Working Groups have been established as part of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Work Programme, focusing on key issues related to Capacity Development, Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Data. Individuals from the MRI community (researchers and practitioners) with relevant expertise and interest in these four topics, are invited to consider nominating via MRI and GEO-GNOME to participate in these GEO Working Groups, and support our work in bringing a ‘mountains’ lens and perspective in the activities of these Working Groups.

The four Working Groups are:

The Capacity Development Working Group (CD-WG) facilitates GEO’s efforts on capacity development, promoting the principle of co-creation and providing conceptual support to the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of capacity development activities. With a focus on end-user engagement, this group aims to strengthen the capacity of organisations and individuals to fully utilize open Earth observations data and tools. View the terms of reference of the CD-WG here.

The Climate Change Working Group (CC-WG) is convened to develop and implement a comprehensive GEO climate change action strategy to advance the use of Earth observations in support of climate adaptation and mitigation including, where relevant and appropriate, actions related to the pillars of the Paris Agreement adopted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). View the terms of reference of the CC-WG here.

The Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group (DRR-WG) will develop and implement a coherent and cross-cutting approach within GEO to advance the use of Earth observations in support of countries’ disaster risk reduction and resilience efforts. These efforts include those related to the provisions of multilateral agreements such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. View the terms of reference of the DRR-WG here.

The Data Working Group (Data-WG) is working with the GEO community and with external stakeholders to address data policy, data ethics, and data governance issues related to the collection and use of Earth observations. Recognizing the value of open Earth observation data, GEO Principals endorsed the GEO Data Sharing Principles which promote ‘Open Data by Default.’ This group will help GEO advance open data policies, thereby improving the uptake of Earth observations for the benefit of all stakeholders. View the terms of reference of the Data-WG here.

See the full call here.

How to Join

As a Participating Organization of GEO and co-lead for GEO-GNOME, MRI is eligible to consider and nominate interested individuals from research and practice with relevant expertise and help contribute to GEO and GEO-GNOME via these Working Groups.

Please register your expression of interest via this form by Friday 24 April 2020.


The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is an intergovernmental partnership that improves the availability, access, and use of Earth observations for a sustainable planet. GEO promotes open, coordinated, and sustained data sharing and infrastructure for better research, policy making, decisions, and action across many disciplines. 

Established in 2016, the Global Network on Observations and Information in Mountain Environments (GEO-GNOME) is a GEO Work Programme Initiative, jointly co-led by the Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the National Research Council of Italy (ISAC-CNR) and the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), the latter also being a Participating Organization of GEO, and a member of the GEO Programme Board (2019-2022) and Observer to the GEO Executive Committee. In line with GEO’s objectives, GEO-GNOME aims at connecting and facilitating access to diverse sources of mountain observation data and information regarding drivers, conditions, and trends in biophysical and socio-economic processes of change at different scales.

As a GEO Initiative, GEO-GNOME works to support GEO in its three global priority engagement areas: the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. It identifies and connects with relevant data and information to inform monitoring and reporting in these priority engagement areas, as well as connect with key stakeholders from scientific research, policy, practice and society working in these priority areas in mountain contexts, worldwide.

Relevant links

Group on Earth Observations (GEO)

GEO Work Programme 2020-2022

GEO Global Network on Observations and Information in Mountain Environments (GEO-GNOME)