The Prix de Quervain for Polar and High Altitude Research is attributed to young scientists for outstanding achievements in their Masters or PhD thesis or other research projects. Deadline 31 May 2021.
The Prix de Quervain is announced annually, and funded by the Swiss Committee on Polar and High Altitude Research SKPH, the Commission for the for Research Station on Jungfraujoch SKJF and the Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research. In 2021, the call is open in the field of natural sciences concerning high altitude research.
At the occasion of the Prix de Quervain, a symposium featuring renowned speakers takes place every autumn. The author of the awarded Masters or PhD thesis or research project will be given the occasion to present his or her research results during this event to an interdisciplinary public.
Submission deadline is 31 May 2021.
The announcement letter featuring the details concerning the participation and the inscription form are available in German and French.
Ausschreibung Prix de Quervain 2021
Mise au concours Prix de Quervain 2021
Find out more on the Prix de Quervain website.