Snow Today, the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) and the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)’s new tool for monitoring snow conditions, provides “near-real-time updates of snow conditions across the Northern Hemisphere,” according to their website.
The tool analyzes snow cover area and snow cover days daily, providing a wealth of data for water resource managers. Snow Today is intended to serve a diverse audience, from snow-sport lovers, to researchers, to water resource managers, to weather enthusiasts, and more.
“It fills a much-needed gap in snow science communication by presenting an ongoing narrative on snow conditions that ties together data, analysis and context,” says Karl Rittger, Research Associate of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, co-leader of the project alongside Mark Raleigh of NSIDC.
In addition, Snow Today will publish monthly analyses of this data from January to May or June. Analyses are already released for January, February, March, and April.
Photo by Pixabay user jarmoluk