Welcome to our May 2023 round-up of new publications! This list contains articles relevant to mountain research that you won’t want to miss this month.
Is there an article that the mountain research community should know about? Email your suggestions to mri@mountainresearchinitiative.org!
Please note: The publications listed below may not necessarily have been published this month, but rather have come to our attention at this time.
1-30 May 2023
A Workshop on Advances in Our Understanding of Elevation Dependent Climate Change
Can Saharan dust deposition impact snowpack stability in the French Alps?
Civil society and survival: Indigenous Amazigh climate adaptation in Morocco
[book chapter] Climate Change and Agroecosystems in the Hill and Mountain Regions of Northeast India
Divergence in responses of juniper tree rings to climate conditions along a high-mountain transect in the semi-arid Fann Mountains, Pamir-Alay, western Tajikistan
Empowering rural service providers to improve nutrition in mountain regions
Estimating the response of Himalayan old-growth mountain forests to decreased monsoon precipitation
[Report] Examining poverty and food insecurity in the context of long-term social-ecological changes in Afghanistan
Exploring how disturbance and light availability shape the elevation ranges of multiple mountain tree and shrub species in the tropics
Extending global river gauge records using satellite observations
Food security in high mountains of Central Asia: A broader perspective
Forcing and impact of the Northern Hemisphere continental snow cover in 1979–2014
Forest management scenarios drive future dynamics of Mediterranean planted pine forests under climate change
Glacier retreat reorganizes river habitats leaving refugia for Alpine invertebrate biodiversity poorly protected
Global Warming Reshapes European Pyroregions
[Book] Handbook of Transdisciplinarity: Global Perspectives
Herbivore rewilding does not promote biodiversity in Argentine Andean peatlands
Implications of institutional interplay on land management: A case of traditional land tenure and formal laws in the Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania
Indicators of ecosystem degradation along an elevational gradient in the Mediterranean Andes
Intense touristic activities exceed climate change to shape aquatic communities in a mountain lake
Landscape degradation and development as a result of touristic activity in the fragile, high-mountain environment of Vinicunca (Rainbow Mountain), Andes, Peru
Linking the Mountain Futures Action Plan to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
Modelling the impact of emigration upon social and economic development of the Carpathian region of Ukraine
Participatory Ecological Monitoring (PEM): Participatory research methods for sustainability ‐ toolkit #4
Recent decreases in snow water storage in western North America
Renewable Electricity Production in Mountain Regions: Toward a People-Centered Energy Transition Agenda
Systematic errors observed in CryoSat-2 elevation swaths on mountain glaciers and their implications
The exceptional year of 2022: “deathblow” to glacier summer skiing in the Alps?
The First Rock Glacier Inventory for the Greater Caucasus
The glacier advance at the onset of the Little Ice Age in the Alps: New evidence from Mont Miné and Morteratsch glaciers
Value as ethics: Climate change, crisis, and the struggle for the future
[Book chapter] Water Crises in the Appalachian Mountain Region
What drives local climate change adaptation? A qualitative comparative analysis
Why facts don’t change minds: Insights from cognitive science for the improved communication of conservation research
Cover image by Ales Krivec.